U.S. Stocks Resume Rally to Record on Growth Bets

U.S. equities headed for alltime highs amid solid corporate earnings and confidence that the Federal Reserve will remain accommodative even as robust growth takes the worlds largest economy back to prepandemic levels. The SP 500 rose after notching its first weekly decline since midMarch. Most of the main 11 industry groups gained, with energy shares […]
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UK Retailers Report Sharpest Upturn Since 2018 CBI

LONDON, April 27 Reuters British retailers reported the sharpest upturn in sales since 2018 this month as nonessential shops in England and Wales began to reopen after more than three months of closure due to COVID restrictions, a survey showed on Tuesday. The Confederation of British Industry said its monthly retail sales volume balance jumped […]
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Britain Shows Fledgling Signs of Economic Recovery

Britain is showing signs of economic recovery from the COVID19 pandemic as it gradually relaxes its latest lockdown measures, according to a range of timely and forwardlooking indicators. The worlds fifthbiggest economy shrank by almost 10 in 2020, a more severe slump than almost all its European peers after it locked down later and for […]
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U.S. Inflation could Hit 3 or 4 by Middle of 2022

More and more strategists believe investors are underestimating the outlook for consumer prices. David Roche, president of investment firm Independent Strategy, is among them. He told CNBC on Wednesday that the U.S. inflation rate, which stood at 2.6 in March from a year earlier, could rise much higher. My own view is that we will […]
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Economy to Stage Vigorous Recovery; Jobs Growth to Lag

The global economy will recover this year from its coronavirus slump at a pace not seen since the 1970s as strong momentum builds in most major economies, according to Reuters polls of over 500 economists. That optimism was largely led by the widely expected vaccinedriven recovery, massive liquidity injections, unprecedented fiscal support primarily by the […]
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New Covid Variant Shows Signs of Antibody Resistance

Scientists at Texas AM Universitys Global Health Research Complex say theyve detected a new Covid19 variant that shows signs of a more contagious strain that causes more severe illness and appears to be resistant to antibodies. The new variant, BV1, named after its Brazos Valley origin, was found during Texas AMs routine coronavirus screening via […]
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Rich Countries are Refusing to Waive Rights on Vaccines

The U.S., Canada and U.K. are among some of the highincome countries actively blocking a patentwaiver proposal designed to boost the global production of Covid19 vaccines. It comes as coronavirus cases worldwide surge to their highest level so far and the World Health Organization has repeatedly admonished a shocking imbalance in the distribution of vaccines […]
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