U.S. Inflation could Hit 3 or 4 by Middle of 2022

More and more strategists believe investors are underestimating the outlook for consumer prices. David Roche, president of investment firm Independent Strategy, is among them. He told CNBC on Wednesday that the U.S. inflation rate, which stood at 2.6 in March from a year earlier, could rise much higher. My own view is that we will […]
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Economy to Stage Vigorous Recovery; Jobs Growth to Lag

The global economy will recover this year from its coronavirus slump at a pace not seen since the 1970s as strong momentum builds in most major economies, according to Reuters polls of over 500 economists. That optimism was largely led by the widely expected vaccinedriven recovery, massive liquidity injections, unprecedented fiscal support primarily by the […]
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Rich Countries are Refusing to Waive Rights on Vaccines

The U.S., Canada and U.K. are among some of the highincome countries actively blocking a patentwaiver proposal designed to boost the global production of Covid19 vaccines. It comes as coronavirus cases worldwide surge to their highest level so far and the World Health Organization has repeatedly admonished a shocking imbalance in the distribution of vaccines […]
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New Covid Variant Shows Signs of Antibody Resistance

Scientists at Texas AM Universitys Global Health Research Complex say theyve detected a new Covid19 variant that shows signs of a more contagious strain that causes more severe illness and appears to be resistant to antibodies. The new variant, BV1, named after its Brazos Valley origin, was found during Texas AMs routine coronavirus screening via […]
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ECB sees Scope for Rebound as Vaccines are Rolled Out

The European Central Bank left policy unchanged as expected on Thursday, keeping copious stimulus flowing even as it predicted a firm rebound in the euro zone economy in the coming months as pandemic restrictions are lifted. The ECB is keeping borrowing costs pinned near record lows via massive bond purchases to see the 19country currency […]
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SP Affirms Japans Ratings on Prospects of Recovery

Rating agency SP affirmed Japans AA1 sovereign debt ratings on Wednesday, citing its rich current account surplus and an expected gradual economic recovery from the COVID19 pandemic. The global rating agency said its outlook for Japan remains stable, reflecting prospects the worlds thirdlargest economy will achieve average nominal growth of about 1.8 over the next […]
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Covid Will Leave Deep Scars in World Economy

Just as some patients recovering from Covid19 suffer longlasting symptoms, its becoming clear that the same will be true for the global economy once this years Vshaped rebound fades. While 26 trillion worth of crisis support and the arrival of vaccines have fueled a faster recovery than many anticipated, the legacies of stunted education, the […]
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