HONG KONG, Aug 4 Reuters CK Hutchison, the portstotelecoms arm of retired billionaire Li Kashing, said on Thursday its net profit in the first six months rose 4.3, helped by high energy prices, steady contributions from infrastructure businesses.

Profit rose to HK19.09 billion 2.43 billion from HK18.3 billion a year earlier, after accounting adjustments.

The group will continue to aim to achieve growth in recurring earnings and increase shareholder return while maintaining a strong financial position, Chairman Victor Li said in a statement.

The conglomerate said it is wellpositioned to deliver solid performance in the second half and in the years ahead.

Looking ahead to the second half of the year, the European businesses should continue to deliver robust performances similar to last year, while Asian operations are also expected to recover well, Li said, commenting on its retail business.

The mainland market will likely continue to be challenging, he added.

In June, CK Hutchison said investment giant KKR Co would invest 1 billion for a 25 stake in its British utility company, Northumbrian Water Group, which it jointly owned with its affiliates CK Asset and CK Infrastructure.

CK Hutchison said earlier on Thursday that CK Group had entered into negotiations on the sale of its less than 4 remaining stake in AMTD Group, the parent of AMTD Digital .

CK Asset, a major property developer in Hong Kong which also has interests in infrastructure and utility assets…