Sterling fell to a twoweek low against the dollar on Tuesday amid talk of the European Union banning vaccine exports to Britain, which relies heavily on imports for its COVID19 vaccination drive.

After falling far behind postBrexit Britain and the United States in rolling out vaccines, EU leaders are due to discuss a possible ban on vaccine exports to Britain at a summit on Thursday.

Britain demanded on Monday that the EU allow the delivery of COVID19 vaccines it has ordered as tensions over a possible export ban on EUmanufactured shots mounted and Brussels pointed an accusing finger at drugmaker AstraZeneca.

Sterling was down 0.5 against the dollar at 1.3802, its lowest since March 9, by 0900 GMT. Against the euro, it traded flat at 86.12 pence.

One of the reasons why sterling has strengthened this year is the successful vaccine rollout but the UK relies on imported vaccines, said Lars Sparresø Merklin, senior analyst at Danske Bank.

There are growing tensions between the UK and the EU, with more and more EU countries considering backing a vaccine export ban to the UK, which may delay the UKs vaccination plan. We do not think the EU will implement an export ban because it may turn out to hit themselves as well but it is a topic to watch.

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