Industry seeks tax breaks to boost backing of UK equities
Listing rules revamp may not be enough to spur IPO comeback
Banks must do more to promote London39;s liquidity profile

LONDON, May 10 Reuters Some of Britain39;s top finance executives, fearful London is losing out to New York and rival European cities, are pressing the government to broaden an array of reforms aimed at attracting bigticket corporate listings.

London has seen a 40 decline in publiclylisted companies since 2008 and has struggled to match growth in rival markets in Amsterdam, Paris and Frankfurt, while Amsterdam overtook London as a share trading venue soon after Brexit in 2021.

To revive its fortunes, the government late last year published its Edinburgh Reforms agenda comprising over 30 proposed changes to existing rules.

But industry groups and finance executives are lobbying for more, especially as the European Union and United States are revamping their own capital markets to stay competitive.

In a series of meetings with finance ministry officials, business leaders have sought further policy changes to complement a simplified rulebook to persuade more multinationals to list in Britain.

These requests include financial sweeteners for firms to incorporate, list and base headquarters in Britain, as well as tax breaks on investment returns and dividend income to tempt more investors to back UKlisted companies.

There39;s no magic bullet here, Miles Celic, CEO of lobby group TheCityUK told…

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