NEW YORK, June 5 Reuters A strong U.S. economy is giving an unexpected boost to the dollar, frustrating bearish investors betting on its decline.

The dollar is up 2.5 from its recent low against a basket of currencies and stands near its highest level since March.

The nascent rally has defied expectations for the currency to resume a decline from last years multidecade highs Net futures bets against the dollar stood at 12.34 billion in the week to May 30 after hitting a twoyear low earlier in the month, according to data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Fund managers in the latest BofA Global Research survey named shorting the dollar as the market39;s third most crowded trade.

The dollar is in a very messy transition from bull market to a bear market, said Aaron Hurd, senior portfolio manager, currency, at State Street Global Advisors. That transition period is going to be fairly frustrating.

Hurd expects the dollar to remain buoyant over the very short term, but decline steadily over the next few years.

Bears argue that the dollar has plenty of room to fall, as the currency remains some 15 above its postpandemic low and the Federal Reserve is widely expected to soon end the interest rate increases that have helped support the greenback.

But the bears39; view has been stymied by a run of strong U.S. data that suggests the economy remains resilient despite the barrage of Fed hikes aimed at slowing growth and containing inflation. Most investors believe…

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