No funds surveyed positive on China outlook OMFIF
India top pick amongst emerging markets
Investors concerned about higherforlonger rates

LONDON, Nov 30 Reuters Public pension and sovereign wealth funds managing 4.3 trillion in assets are pessimistic about investing in China, but keen to cut net emissions of their portfolios, according to a survey by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum OMFIF.

The survey of 22 funds by OMFIF, a think tank for central banking, economic policy and public investment, also showed that 62 of the 50 largest pension funds and nearly half of the largest sovereign wealth funds suffered losses last year amid high inflation and historically rapid global rate hikes.

OMFIF outlined a dark mood among the funds, with more than half expecting a global economic recession in the next 12 months. None reported a positive outlook for China39;s economy, citing the regulatory environment and geopolitics among primary factors dissuading them from investing.

The world39;s secondlargest economy is struggling to boost growth amid a debtladen real estate sector and consumers who are looking to save more due to the economic uncertainty.

India is the most attractive emerging market among respondents, while the majority identified regulation and geopolitics as hurdles to investing in China, authors of the report launched on Thursday found.

The funds remain worried about interest rates, the survey showed, with 63 citing them as the top…

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