PARIS, Dec 19 Reuters France and Germany have reached a 100 percent agreement on how to reform the European Union39;s fiscal rules, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said on Tuesday after talks with his German counterpart concluded.

The EU39;s two largest countries have been at odds over how to sustain investment when budget deficits exceed the EU limit. Other member states, roughly rallying in two camps behind Paris and Berlin, are wrangling over other issues.

Le Maire and German Finance Minister Christian Lindner had wanted to agree a joint FrancoGerman position before a broader meeting with their EU counterparts on Wednesday, probably the last chance to reach a deal before the end of the year.

We have this evening reached a 100 agreement with Christian Lindner on the new rules for the Stability and Growth Pact, Le Maire said in a post on X after talks in Paris.

He added that the deal, coming after months of negotiations, was excellent news for Europe, ensuring healthy public finances and investment.

Lindner said in a post on X that they were in agreement on the key elements of the EU39;s budget rules, citing in particular safeguards for lower deficits and debtlevels, incentives for reforms and investments.

Paris and Berlin had been at loggerheads over how quickly a country with a deficit above the EU limit of 3 of GDP should cut it, while at the same time having enough money to invest and reform.

France, which does not expect bring its deficit in line…

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