JAKARTA, Feb 20 Reuters Indonesia on Tuesday launched a revised taxonomy or green investment rulebook categorising coalfired power plants used in nickel facilities as part of the global transition to a green economy, in a move likely to face opposition from green groups.

Environmentalists criticised the notion of categorising the financing of new coal power plants as sustainable when the possibility was first raised by authorities last year, pointing out such plants are a significant source of carbon emissions.

The new taxonomy was a revision to a 2022 document defining what is considered a sustainable investment in support of Indonesia39;s pledge to achieve netzero emissions by 2060.

It uses the traffic light system, under which sectors labelled green are interpreted as aligned with efforts to meet Indonesia39;s climate goals, amber for sectors supporting the transition to low carbon economy, and red for those that harm the environment.

Under the new taxonomy, an investment in socalled captive coal power plants offgrid systems developed and managed by industries for their use is labelled amber as long as it meets certain criteria.

The captive plants must be built before 2031, be shut down before 2050, and commit to cut their green house gas emissions by 35 within 10 years since operation from 202139;s average.

Also amber is mining of critical minerals that support clean technology, such as nickel for electric vehicle batteries, if it meets requirements such as…

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