Jan exports 11.9 vs 9.5 expected by economists
Imports 9.6, leaving trade deficit of Y1.76 trln
Manufacturers39; Feb sentiment index 1 vs Jan 6
Servicesector index 26, down 3 points from Jan

TOKYO, Feb 21 Reuters Japan39;s exports rose more than expected in January, driven by U.S.bound shipments of autos and car parts and Chinese demand for chipmaking equipment, although the worsening factory sector mood added to concerns about broader economic weakness.

Ministry of Finance data out on Wednesday showed Japan39;s exports rose 11.9 in January from the same month a year ago, faster than a 9.5 gain expected by economists in a Reuters poll and 9.7 growth in the previous month.

While the brisk exports could ease some concerns about further economic declines, the Reuters Tankan survey showed manufacturers39; business morale soured sharply in February, with pessimists outnumbering optimists for the first time in 10 months.

Some analysts cautioned against reading too much into the firm export data, noting the 29.2 yearonyear increase in Chinabound shipments was partly skewed by comparisons with 2023, with the quieter Lunar New Year period falling in January last year.

Meanwhile, a weaker yen has likely played a bigger role in lifting the value of exports, rather than stronger demand.

The U.S. economy is slowing down and Europe is in recession, so there39;s no reason to become optimistic about Japanese exports which are weakening as a trend, said Takeshi Minami, chief…

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