LONDON, May 10 Reuters A string of stock listings this year has infused new life into Europe39;s anaemic market for initial public offerings, but for some smaller companies it may take longer to open up, bankers told Reuters.

While the listings of CVC, Galderma and Puig have made money for investors and helped drive a fourfold increase in IPO volumes so far this year, some have struggled.

German onroad payments provider DKV Mobility scrapped plans for a listing, Reuters reported last week.

Last month, Portuguese insurer Fidelidade, backed by China39;s Fosun International, called off an IPO of its private hospital arm Luz Saude, citing market instability.

The IPO market is open for certain assets, but we39;re not yet at a point where there39;s a price for everything, said Andrew Briscoe, head of Bank of America39;s equity capital markets syndicate for Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

It39;s going to be more interesting to see what happens postQ1 earnings because the pipeline of IPOs is more midcap in nature.

Having access to the stock market allows companies and their backers to raise funds that can be plowed into the businesses or for investments elsewhere.


The liquidity in shares the ability to buy and sell easily remains the main challenge for IPOs, Briscoe said.

This is, in most cases, a function of the size of the deal but also how shares behave once they start trading, he added.

The bigger the deal, the easier it is to get done…

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