Previous Trading Days Events 31.07.2024

Monthly CPI Australia CPI rose 3.8 YoY to June 2024, down from 4 in May. Key driver easing transport costs 4.2 vs. 4.9 in May.

BOJ Interest Rate Raised shortterm rate to 0.25 in July 2024; bondbuying cut to JPY 3 trillion from JPY 6 trillion starting January 2026.

Euro Area Inflation Annual inflation ticked up to 2.6 in July 2024, exceeding forecasts; energy costs rose 1.3.

US ADP Employment 122K private sector jobs added in July 2024, below forecasts; pay gains continue to slow.

Canada Monthly GDP Expected 0.1 growth in June 2024; construction and finance sectors up, manufacturing down.

US Fed Funds Rate The Fed held rates at 5.255.50 in July 2024, the eighth consecutive meeting; progress was noted towards the 2 inflation target.

Mastercard Earnings Q2 net income of 3.3B; EPS of 3.50. Revenue up 11, gross dollar volume up 9, purchase volume up 10.

Winners Vs Losers

On July 31, 2024, NZDCAD led with a gain of 0.58, translating to 47.0 pips, while CADCHF saw the largest decline, down 0.28 or 17.6 pips.

News Reports Monitor Previous Trading Day 31.07.2024
Server Time Timezone EEST UTC 0300

Tokyo Session

Monthly CPI Australia CPI rose 3.8 YoY to June 2024, down from 4 in May. Major bearish impact on AUD pairs at 130 am GMT.

BOJ Interest Rate Shortterm rate increased to 0.25 in July 2024; bondbuying was reduced to JPY 3 trillion from JPY 6 trillion starting January 2026. Major bearish impact on JPY pairs at 357 am GMT….

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