LONDON, Aug 5 Reuters Growth in euro zone business activity stalled last month as a stuttering expansion in the bloc39;s dominant services industry was compounded by a deeper downturn in the manufacturing sector, a survey showed on Monday.

HCOB39;s composite Purchasing Managers39; Index for the currency union, compiled by SP Global and seen as a good gauge of overall economic health, fell to 50.2 in July from June39;s 50.9.

It barely exceeded the 50 mark separating growth from contraction but was a tad above a preliminary 50.1 estimate and chalked up its fifth consecutive month in positive territory.

The euro zone39;s economy is growing at a snail39;s pace in July. Sectorwise, services is not picking up speed like it did earlier in the year, while the industrial slump has continued unabated, said Cyrus de la Rubia, chief economist at Hamburg Commercial Bank.

A final PMI covering the services industry dropped to 51.9 last month from 52.8, matching a preliminary estimate. The manufacturing PMI published last week showed factory activity remained mired in contraction amid a broadbased malaise, with output declining at its fastest pace this year.

And suggesting no imminent turnaround, overall demand across the region fell for a second month and at a sharper pace than in June. The composite new business index fell to 49.0 from 49.4.

The decline was despite firms raising prices at a slower pace in July than in June. Services inflation closely monitored by the European…

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