Previous Trading Days Events 28.08.2024

Australia Monthly CPI Indicator Australias CPI rose 3.5 YoY in July 2024, slightly above market expectations of 3.4, with easing housing 4.0 and transport prices 3.4, driven by falling electricity 5.1 and fuel costs 4.0. Food inflation spiked to 3.8, while core inflation hit 3.7, remaining above the RBAs 23 target.

Winners Vs Losers In The Forex Market

On August 28, 2024, USDJPY led the gainers with a 0.44 rise, adding 63.0 pips, while EURUSD was the top loser, dropping 0.57 and losing 64.3 pips.

News Reports Monitor Previous Trading Day 28.08.2024

Server Time Timezone EEST UTC 0300

Tokyo Session 

Bullish AUD following Australias CPI release at 130 am GMT, with a 3.5 YoY rise in July, exceeding the 3.4 forecast.

London Session No significant news 

New York Session No significant news 

General Verdict  

The Tokyo session saw a bullish AUD response to Australias CPI exceeding expectations, with no significant developments in the London and New York sessions to shift market momentum.



EURUSD 28.08.2024 15m Chart Summary

Server Time Timezone EEST UTC 0300

Price Movements

EURUSD experienced a bearish trend, opening at 1.11795 and closing lower at 1.11177, with a daily low of 1.11033 and a high of 1.11843.


BTCUSD 28.08.2024 15m Chart Summary

Server Time Timezone EEST UTC 0300

Price Movements

BTCUSD followed a bearish trend, opening at 61,956.41 and closing at…

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